is part of Shopello International AB, 556820-7426, which is part of the group myTaste AB (publ), 556710-8757, with its registered office in Stockholm. myTaste AB is a digital media group that in addition to Shopello also has myTaste, Vinklubben, Matklubben and AllaAnnons; Common to these brands is that everyone is among the largest players in their respective industries.
Shopello is a shopping network of both its own websites and partner sites where our service is integrated. is a product search engine that is part of our shopping network where users have the opportunity to find and buy products online from the best online stores selling products in Finland. September 2012, was launched in Sweden. P>
In January 2014, was launched in Norway.
December 2014, the launch of in Denmark.
April 2017, was launched in Finland.
Our largest categories at are Fashion, Home & Home, Children & Family, Construction & Garden and Sports & Leisure. Of course, Shopello also encompasses all other retail segments.
Shopello simplifies shopping online by smartly connecting consumers and e-merchants. By having a continuous control of new products and stores online, we ensure that the trends in e-commerce are always available first at Shopello.